Sunday, July 7, 2013

Philosophical Questions Of Trucking

A few things that I often wonder:

Four Wheelers 
(that would be any vehicle with 4 tires on it for you non-truckers)
~When a truck is doing the truck speed of 55 mph while the car speed is 65...why there always that four-wheeler  who would prefer to tailgate you thinking he can force you to faster?
Sorry...that only works on other vehicles of equal size. 

~When getting into a lane for a toll booth on a very busy highway...after you have already allowed 5 cars to jump in front of you...why is the guy in the tiny sports car that will pitch a fit if you don't let him in (even though there were other lines available that NO trucks were in)?
Yes...I blocked the little fucker from jumping in front of me by staying 4 feet from the car in front of me. So what does he do? He actually pulls up 5 inches next to my steers and thinks he's going to force me to move if he made me think I was going to run him over. Sorry...didn't work bub! Big truck ALWAYS wins over tiny sports car!

~Why do the four wheelers have to tie up traffic for miles back so they can slow down to 25 mph on a 70 mph interstate so they can get a good look at that accident on the other side of the highway?
I know, I know...they are hoping to see some carnage. Unfortunately they tend to cause more carnage by their actions.

~If you're driving in the express lanes through the city...why would you decide to do 10 mph UNDER the speed limit? How is that a speed worthy of using the express lanes?
Maybe I'm missing something here about what an express lane is?

Other Semi's
~Speaking of tailgating...why does another semi think by tailgating you that you are going to move faster? Do they plan on pushing you if you slow down? Why not just pull over to the next lane and fucking pass me?
Sorry driver...some of us actually drive the speed limit. Of course I've done 10 over the limit and STILL had some asshole trying to hook up to my idiot bar in the back.

~Why do some of the biggest and busiest shippers/receivers always seem to have the smallest parking areas for docking?
Really...who cares that you come close to backing into another truck or docked trailer while trying to get docked yourself. Or that it raises my anxiety levels sky high!

~Why do truck stops located in some of the busiest areas only accommodate 10 - 20 trucks?
Tried to get into one tonight in Cleveland...5 pm and it was full.

Driving Rules
~Why do all these little towns prohibit jake brakes...ESPECIALLY ones with steep hills.
Those with steep hills should APPRECIATE those jake brakes...they help keep that truck slowed down enough that they don't slam into your car or house at the bottom of the hill.

~Why would you put a stop light/sign on a 55 mph main road?
Good lord...lower the speed limit if you're gonna have stop lights/signs! Especially if that light/sign is just after a curve!

Okay...that's all the philosophical questions for now. :-)

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